Puppy Programme
These programmes are for puppies from 8 weeks to 5months of age. The face-to face sessions take place in the guardians home/garden.
The educational programme focusses more on developing confidence and resilience in your pup, rather than arbitrary, repetition of ‘sit’s’ and traditional style ‘commands’. The programme centres around creating an environment for success, so your puppy can be rewarded for behaviours you would like them to repeat. This promotes confidence and autonomy in your pup.
Once we have chatted about the keys points you would like to address, I will give you a focussed plan to follow and the skills to improve any training issues you may have.
This includes, step-by step video guidance outlining all the basic skills needed to help your dog such as focus games, confidence building exercises, scent work, walking on a lead and relaxation techniques.
1 x online seminar, including all you need to know about mouthing, toileting , socialisation and habituation and understanding body language and communication.
4 x additional one hour, face to face training sessions over consecutive weeks.
A 50-60 page puppy information Handbook
The facility to communicate with me and send films of the training you are doing so I can critique and help you with tips and advice for you to achieve the most out of the programme.
The cost of this amazing, in depth, personal package is only £425
Email to book, or request further details